Use this step-by-step checklist to keep track of all the things you need to do — from ordering regalia to confirming your participation in the upcoming in-person ceremony, this list has you covered.
All students are required to RSVP by April 21 to participate in the in-person ceremonies. Only students that completed their graduation application by April 18 will have access to login to the RSVP system and participate in their ceremony. Please follow the steps below by April 21.
- Access our Online System
- Select Register under New Users.
- Enter your Lehigh University email address (i.e.
- Note: You must use the email address where you received the email, RSVP Form for Class of 2025. If you did not receive this email, please contact us at
- Once your account is registered, you will receive an email confirmation prompting you to create a password.
- Login to the Online System and complete the form.
- Within the form, you will be able to RSVP, provide the phonetic spelling of your name, record your name, and more.
- Upon completion, make sure to click Submit. You will receive an email confirming your submission.
Next Steps
- Once the system closes, a professional announcer will record every student’s name that was provided by April 21 and will use the information within your form to pronounce your name correctly.
- If you did not provide phonetic spelling and/or record your name, your name will still be recorded in advance based on professional judgment as long as you completed your graduation application by April 18.
- Prior to the in-person ceremonies, all students that confirmed their participation for the in-person ceremony will receive an email directing them to login to their account to access their Stage Pass. You must print the Stage Pass and bring it with you to your ceremony. This pass will include your ceremony information and QR code that is linked to your recorded name.
The commencement ceremonies will be live-streamed on the Lehigh Commencement homepage. We invite you to tune in online for the Commencement speakers’ remarks and cheer on your fellow classmates as they cross the stage. Only the names of those attending in-person will be read.
All students are expected to wear official Lehigh University academic regalia. Lehigh regalia is available through Herff Jones in partnership with The Lehigh Store.
If you are participating in the in-person ceremony, regalia can be ordered through Herff Jones using the instructions below.
- Start your Order
- Under “Cap and Gown” click the “Order Now” button to RENT your cap, gown, and hood. Pricing information is available online.
- RENTAL orders must be submitted by 11:59 p.m. March 23.
- Graduate Students Only: You have the option to home ship or pick-up at The Lehigh Store. If you select the home ship option, you must submit your order by 11:59 p.m. on April 17. (As noted above, pick-up option orders must be submitted by 11:59 p.m. March 23.)
- If you have questions regarding regalia, please contact The Lehigh Store at
Custom Regalia
If you are interested in purchasing your regalia, click here. Under “Custom Regalia” click the “Order Now” button for more information on this option. All orders must be placed by March 23.
Regalia Pick-up
Senior Salute Day is May 1!
A special day dedicated to all seniors, Alumni Relations in partnership with The Lehigh Store invites you to pick up your cap and gown, enjoy free food, giveaways, and more at Grace Hall from 9am-5pm.
If you happen to miss this event, you may stop by The Lehigh Store beginning May 2 to pick up your cap and gown during business hours.
Regalia Return
Following the in-person ceremonies, the cap and gown return area will be located at the smaller tents east of Goodman Stadium. Please return your regalia here within one hour following the ceremony. Regalia may also be returned to The Lehigh Store the day of your ceremony. Check here for business hours. NOTE: Bachelor and Masters students may keep their cap and tassel.
Stoles or Cords
Ordering of stoles or cords are handled directly by individual Lehigh organizations or groups (i.e. athletics, greek life, honor societies, etc.) The university does not distribute them and does not provide or distribute honor cords since grades are not finalized until after the ceremony. Students who were part of a group or formal organization that chooses to use cords should get in touch with those groups for ordering information.
Announcements, Rings, and Diploma Frames
Personalized announcements, class rings, and diploma frames are available for purchase through Herff Jones in partnership with The Lehigh Store. To learn more and order, click here.
Questions about these products? Contact Chris Urban at for announcements and rings and The Lehigh Store at for diploma frames.
Prior to the ceremonies, all students who confirmed their participation for the in-person ceremony will receive an email the week of May 5 with directions to login to their online account to access their Stage Pass. You must print the Stage Pass and bring it with you to your ceremony. This pass will include your ceremony information, the college you will be seated with on the field, and QR code that is linked to your recorded name.
Day of, please report to the Student Check-In tent located on the east side of Goodman Stadium at 8:45 a.m. the morning of your ceremony. View a map of the check-in location. You must arrive wearing appropriate academic regalia and your printed Stage Pass.
Staff members will be onsite to officially check you in for the ceremony. (Doctoral students - upon checking in, you will receive a reader card. Make sure to review it and make any edits before taking it with you. You will need both the Stage Pass and reader card during the ceremony.)
There will be additional tents set-up next to the Student Check-In tent with staff who can assist you with any issues related to your regalia and/or Stage Pass.
Once you are checked in, you will line-up behind the sign indicating your college and section of the alphabet by last name (i.e. A-L, M-Z). If you are a graduate student, you will also line-up by degree. Faculty ushers wearing bright gold hats will be able to assist you.
The procession will leave the student assembly area promptly at 9:45 a.m.
Late arrivals will be seated by faculty ushers in an open seat; it is not guaranteed you will be seated with your college.
Lehigh transportation will provide a dedicated loop from Asa Packer Campus to Goodman Campus before and after the commencement ceremonies for students that do not have transportation. The pick-up and drop-off locations before and after the ceremony will be: former Packer Avenue bus stop (Asa Packer Campus) and Goodman Drive circle (Goodman Campus).
Parking is limited on Asa Packer Campus. It is highly recommended that ceremony guests park on Goodman Campus. If parking on Asa Packer Campus, vehicles must observe parking lot signage and meters.
Led by faculty ushers, students will enter Goodman Stadium in four columns from the north end of the stadium at 10 a.m. Staff will assist in keeping the lines separated and single file. During the processional, caps should be worn with the tassel on the RIGHT. Students may pick up water upon entering the stadium. Everyone will be asked to stand during the Processional.
The Processional will enter into the stadium in the following order:
- Colors and Color Guard
- Students
- Faculty
- University Marshal
- University Mace Bearer
- Presidential Party
Inside the stadium, you will be seated on the field by college. Faculty ushers will be on the field to assist you with any questions.
Once the Processional concludes, everyone will remain standing for the Invocation and singing of the National Anthem. After the National Anthem, everyone will be seated. Following the introductory remarks, a pre-selected student will give remarks. President Joseph J. Helble ’82 will introduce the commencement speaker, who will give the commencement address.
The dean of each college will ask the students to rise and the president will confer the degrees. The students will be led forward by the ushers. Prior to accessing the stage, your photograph will be taken by a commercial photographer.
Doctoral degree students: Faculty ushers will direct you to the stage (house left). You will present your Stage Pass QR code to the scanner before walking up the stage steps. At the top of the steps, you will hand your reader card to the faculty member stationed next to the dean at the podium. The dean will read your name and your faculty advisor will meet you at the middle of the stage. Before moving to the lower stage, President Helble will give you a congratulatory handshake. You will then proceed to the lower stage with your faculty advisor where they will hood you on stage. At this time, your photograph will be taken again by a commercial photographer. You may then exit the stage down the center ramp and return to your row and seat.
Masters & Bachelors degree students: As you approach the stage, you will present your Stage Pass QR code to the scanner at either the left or right side of the stage. Your QR code will be scanned, announcing your name as you walk onto the stage where you will be captured on screen with your name displayed. At this time, your photograph will be taken again by a commercial photographer. Before exiting down the center stage ramp, President Helble will give you a congratulatory handshake. You may then exit the stage and return to your row and seat. NOTE: If you misplace your Stage Pass card, you will have to complete a handwritten card onsite and your name will be read by a reader and will not appear on the screen.
The Exercises will close with remarks from President Helble, followed by the ringing of the bell (undergraduate ceremony only), Benediction, and the singing of the Alma Mater. You are requested to remain in your seat until all degrees have been conferred and the ceremony has concluded.
The departure from the stadium will be led by the University Marshal, the Mace Bearer, the Presidential Party, and the Faculty. All new graduates must stand in place until the Faculty has cleared the stage. The ceremony is then officially over. New graduates and their guests are welcome to take photographs on the field.
Island Photography is the official photographer for Lehigh University’s Commencement Ceremonies. They will capture two photos of each student prior to walking onto the stage and one on the stage. Color proofs will be emailed and mailed to each student within 2-3 days of their ceremony. There is absolutely no obligation to purchase. If family and friends would like to receive proofs, please have them complete the Pre-Ceremony Registration form. If you have not received your proofs or have any questions regarding photos, please contact Island Photography at or (800) 869-0908.
Diplomas will be mailed to the address that you provided when completing your graduation application. Estimated delivery time is four to six weeks after Commencement. If you have not received your diploma by July 7, please contact the Office of the Registrar at (610) 758-3200.
For both ceremonies, the order of exercises will be shared on the Commencement website and made available closer to the ceremony dates.
A printed commemorative Class of 2025 Commencement program will be mailed in the summer to students with degrees awarded. This program will be an official representation of those who received a degree from Lehigh University. The program will include honors and names with degrees awarded in Summer 2024, Winter 2025, and Spring 2025.
If you plan to walk in the Class of 2025 ceremony and your degree will be awarded in Summer 2025, Winter 2026, or Spring 2026, you will be printed in the Class of 2026 program, which will be mailed over the summer of 2026.
A printed program will be mailed to the address you provided for your diploma. If you wish to change your diploma mailing address, please complete the Office of the Registrar's Diploma Address Update Form at least two weeks prior to the ceremony.
A digital version of the Class of 2025 Commencement printed program will also be available on the commencement website homepage to view and download this summer.
The Epitome, Lehigh University’s yearbook is available for purchase for a limited time!
Created exclusively by students, the Epitome is one of Lehigh’s most prominent commemorative records - this year marks the 149th edition. More than just a memento, it’s a window looking back at your Lehigh experience.
Preserve your Lehigh memories forever. The 2025 Epitome is a full-color, hardbound publication that captures a year of life on campus.
Senior Portraits Reminder: Sign up for a portrait session now (last week of sittings is March 31) to be featured in Lehigh’s official yearbook, the Epitome.
Take the Survey (launching in the Spring) to update Lehigh on your plans for work, grad school, or if you are still making plans for what's next. The Center for Career and Professional Development is here to support you in your search and work with you to meet your career goals. Drop by Career Lab or make an appointment today!
- Families and guests are not permitted onto the stadium field during the ceremony.
- Cell phones must be silenced during the ceremony.
- Alcohol or smoking is not permitted.
- Drones are prohibited on Lehigh’s campus.
- Please remain in your seats until the ceremony has concluded.
- Celebrations are encouraged. Please be respectful of those around you.
If you have any questions, please contact the Office of University Events at or call (610) 758-4682.