When to Contact the Ombuds Office

You should contact us if:

Topics You May Want to Discuss

  • You are unsure of a Lehigh University policy or you believe a policy, procedure, or regulation has been applied unfairly and, if so, how.
  • You want to discuss a situation confidentially with someone knowledgeable about Lehigh and its policies to decide whether you should take action and, if so, what to do.
  • You want to learn what resources are available to you.
  • You intend to file a formal complaint or appeal, but you would like guidance about the process; or you want another objective opinion of your case; or you want to try to resolve your dispute in an informal manner.
  • You want to know what your alternatives are for resolving a problem.
  • You are concerned about unfair treatment in the university environment or fear retaliation.
    • Interpersonal difficulties
    • Harassment or discrimination
    • Untangling a complicated situation
    • Violations of University policy
    • Workplace disputes
    • Bureaucratic runarounds
    • Ethical dilemmas
    • Cultural misunderstandings
    • Conflicts of interest
    • Disciplinary actions
    • Appropriate ways to frame and discuss issues
    • Research misconduct
    • Incivility or rudeness
    • Health and safety concerns
    • Unprofessional conduct
    • Ways to make or seek an apology
    • Academic freedom
    • Protecting your reputation
    • Threats or retaliation
    • Formal processes for resolving issues