How the Ombuds Office Can Help

What We Do

Although every situation is different, we are available to:

  • Listen, which may be all you want.
  • Offer information about Lehigh University policies and procedures.
  • Discuss concerns with you and clarify all the issues.
  • Help identify and evaluate a range of options for resolving a problem.
  • Gather information and offer referrals to other resources.
  • Offer coaching, to help you prepare for a difficult conversation.
  • Facilitate communication, indirectly or through shuttle diplomacy.
  • Work for collaborative agreements through mediation.
  • Track perceived issues and trends.
  • Make recommendations for institutional improvements.

What We Do Not Do

We will do everything we can to help, but our office does not:

  • Engage in fact-finding or make determinations about right and wrong.
  • Provide legal advice or psychological counseling.
  • Act as an advocate for either party involved in the conflict.
  • Impose disciplinary, remedial, or other actions on university faculty, staff, students or departments.
  • Keep personally identifiable records on file.