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Learn how to interpret datasets and leverage their insights for decision-making.
Lehigh’s Data Science Minor equips students with the technical expertise and analytical mindset to extract insights from data, uncover patterns, and build predictive models. Many fields collect data to uncover patterns and make informed decisions, making data science training more relevant than ever to solving real-world problems.
To complete the minor, students will take 16 credits from the following list:
The minor is open to undergraduates from all colleges, and requires a minimum of 16 credit hours, consisting of the following:
Three required courses (10-11 credits):
CSE 160 Introduction to Data Science
CSE 017 Programming and Data Structures
CSE 109 Systems Software
MATH 312 Statistical Computing and Applications
One approved applied data mining / analytics course at the 200/300 level (3 credits):
CSE 326 Fundamentals of Machine Learning
CSE 347 Data Mining
ISE 364 Introduction to Machine Learning
ISE 367 Mining of Large Datasets
MKT 325 Consumer Insights through Data Analysis
MKT 326 Marketing Analytics and Artificial Intelligence in the Digital Space
BUAN 348 Predictive Analytics in Business
ECO 325 Consumer Insights through Data Analysis
ECO 360 Time Series Analysis
One or more approved electives related to data science including, but not limited to an additional applied data mining/analytics course from above, or the following (3-4 credits):
CSE 241 Database Systems and Applications
CSE 341 Database Systems, Algorithms, and Applications
CSE 327 Artificial Intelligence Theory and Practice
CSE 337 Reinforcement Learning
CSE 345 WWW Search Engines
CSE 375 Principles of Practice of Parallel Computing
ISE 111 Engineering Probability
ISE 121 Applied Engineering Statistics
ISE 224 Information Systems Analysis and Design
MATH 043 Survey of Linear Algebra
MATH 205 Linear Methods
MATH 242 Linear Algebra
STAT 342 Applied Linear Algebra
MATH 309 Probability with Applications and Simulations
MATH 334 Mathematical Statistics
BIS 324 Business Data Management
ECO 357 Econometrics
ECO 367 Applied Microeconometrics
Many of the courses that apply to the minor have prerequisites. These prerequisites do not count toward the minor, and students attempting to complete the minor are not recused from these prerequisites.
Rossin College of Engineering and Applied Sciences: engineering@lehigh.edu | (610) 758 4025