Stories about Alumni

National Academy of Engineering cites Ph.D. alumnus for structural testing innovation.

Bob Wagner ’91 and his piccolo trumpet are on a magical mystery odyssey.

National Academy of Engineering cites José G. Santiesteban for his work in catalysis, clean fuels.

Jim Donovan’s namesake was lawyer and master negotiator. 

Learn why two alums are eager to be a part of Lehigh's investment in the future of Data Science and technology.

Lehigh alum depicted in Oscar-winning Spotlight movie returns to his alma mater.

Perry Smith ’87 and his family found the piglet during January’s historic snow storm.

The Wall Street legend will share insights gleaned from a career that spans four decades.

Conversation to follow with alum Marty Baron, editor of The Boston Globe during its probe of Catholic Church’s cover-up of clergy sex abuse.

The legacy left by Ada and Peter Rossin included a landmark donation to Lehigh’s engineering college.