McKay Price, Perella Department of Finance, Collins-Goodman Chair in Real Estate Finance and director of the Goodman Center for Real Estate, said the Business Innovation Building was special because it was "designed with collaboration in mind."
“What makes this facility so special is that it was designed with collaboration in mind,” Price said. “It is a place where faculty and students can come together, exchange ideas and push each other to be more creative and innovative. This type of collaborative learning is essential for preparing students for life after Lehigh, where they will need to work across different fields and disciplines to solve complex problems.”
Vincent Forlenza, chair of the Board of Trustees, and Nathan Urban, provost and senior vice president for Academic Affairs, also spoke. Forlenza reflected on his personal experiences and the challenges that businesses face and said Lehigh and the Business Innovation Building are about “creating leaders that can build the future.” Urban said the new building, in addition to greater flexibility for collaborating and gathering, provides enhanced opportunities for teaching, research and entrepreneurial activity.
The open house was held on the first floor in the building’s lobby, which has a granite floor, high ceilings and glass walls that allow floor-to-ceiling views of the outdoors as well as other rooms in the building. Dolce, a student acapella group, kicked off the festivities.
Part of the open house was dedicated to a new initiative honoring past and present Lehigh alumni who contribute to the business world, the Lehigh Business LUminaries.