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Junk Food Politics in Action

Eduardo J. Gómez, professor in Lehigh’s College of Health, joins NPR's Goats and Soda to talk about his latest book, Junk Food Politics.

Story by

Emily Collins

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Eduardo J. Gómez, professor in Lehigh’s College of Health, is featured in the NPR Goats and Soda article, "Junk food companies say they're trying to do good. A new book raises doubts."

In his conversation with NPR, Gómez discusses his latest book, Junk Food Politics, describing the two-way street where processed food industry and political leaders work together to launch well-meaning social programs, but also skirt regulations that would harm industry's profits.

"Junk food politics is when [junk food] industries influence politics and society so they can avoid regulations that will impact their profitability, such as taxes on junk foods and regulations on marketing and sales," explains Gómez.

We often think industry is to blame, but governments are also to blame, he tells NPR.

In this conversation, Gómez shares examples of junk food politics in action, describes the costs to society, and considers possible solutions.

"The solution is having a government that is committed to ensuring the health of all of society. One that provides activists and communities with a voice that is equal to, or exceeds, the voice of industries within government. One that has no fear of taking on the powerful industries and creating regulations that protect vulnerable populations, especially children and the poor, over the interests of major corporations."

The full article can be read on the NPR website.

Story by

Emily Collins

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