Congressional Rules Related to Gifts, Meals and Travel

Lehigh University, and individuals employed by the University and acting on our behalf, cannot provide gifts to Members of Congress and their staff with a value in excess of $10. This eliminates virtually any souvenir that might be offered at a meeting, conference or special event, such as a t-shirt, hat, or coffee mug. Please check with the Office of Government Relations if you have any questions.

Lehigh University cannot pay for any meal, food or drink with a Member of Congress or their staff. While there are certain prescribed exceptions please check with the Office of Government Relations in advance of extending an invitation so we can ensure that the meal is not otherwise prohibited.

Lehigh University can invite Members of Congress and their staff to certain public events at which food is served, and for which the Member's or staff's presence could be considered directly related to their official duties. Please alert the Office of Government Relations before such invitations are extended so we can verify that the event does not fall into a prohibited area and so that we can coordinate the many requests that Lehigh makes of our Congressional delegation and other Members of Congress.

Lehigh University cannot provide Members of Congress or their staff with complimentary tickets to sporting events, concerts or other activities for which an admission fee is charged. All Members and their staff must pay the face value of the ticket. We ask that any requests for tickets from Members of Congress or their staff, or invitations to attend a game or performance, be directed to the Office of Government Relations for response.

There are complex rules concerning sponsorship of travel (transportation and lodging) involving Members of Congress and their staff. Lehigh University typically does not sponsor congressional travel, but it is an area of great sensitivity with significant advance warning necessary for paperwork and approval. All requests for travel sponsorship involving Members of Congress or their staff should be handled through the Office of Government Relations to ensure compliance with these ethics rules. Questions? Please contact:

Chris Carter, AVP Federal Relations
610-758- 6597