Goals, Process and Bylaws

Goals, Process and Bylaws


  • Choose a program to elevate, working to create pilot small group interactions
  • Coordinate with ODI&E and CPA on larger strategy
  • Work across ODI&E to select content and coordinate small group educational prompts
  • Look at larger aspects of strategy: communications, partnerships, etc.
  • Determine how to phase components of OneLehigh
  • Coordinate with Strategic Plan, anti-racist taskforce, other campus initiatives
  • Coordinate and communicate DI&E efforts across campus
  • Update content and layout of the CEC website and other communications (resource collection, newsletter, social media, etc.) to ensure ease of use
  • Establish a webpage that catalogs ongoing DI&E efforts on campus
  • Coordinate with ODI&E, LTS and CPA to implement the above 
  • Develop a longer-term coordination strategy with CPA, ODI&E and others, to establish a sustainable operating model
  • Identify existing groups that the CEC can engage in small group conversations
  • Develop a student peer mentoring model
  • Coordinate with existing campus peer mentors and other grassroots groups—and provide training as necessary
  • Ensure peer mentors receive appropriate compensation
  • Identify leaders at the faculty and staff level to discuss training opportunities
  • Identify key performance indicators (KPIs) in line with the plan to measure Lehigh’s DI&E progress 
  • Audit accountability and incentives that encourage students, faculty and staff to participate in DI&E efforts
  • Review climate survey and DI&E reports—and communicate findings
  • Develop a consistent process for if/when the CEC responds to crises
  • Develop protocol for drafting and distributing said response
  • Examine how responses can be better coordinated and communicated across the university


In response to the university’s efforts, the CEC has developed a campaign to spread the principles of diversity, inclusion, and equity throughout the campus community: OneLehigh.

To execute OneLehigh and assist with the execution of the broader strategic plan, CEC members are spread across four working groups. Each WG serves a different, yet connected purpose that is aligned with the work of the VPEC’s office. The working groups are:

Ensure that OneLehigh continues to align with the needs and interests of the Lehigh community and continues to serve and support the overarching Strategic Plan. Answer this core question: Does this connect back to a goal of the university and is that goal still serving the members?

Develop web resources that support the vision and mission of OneLehigh and serve as a hub for all of the Lehigh community. Answer this core question: How do members of the community find out what is happening and why it is important?

Discover the right approach to integrating DI&E work into small groups and mentorship-type relationships across campus. Answer this core question: How do we foster an environment of learning and understanding among our community members?

This group will work on the progress portion of the DI&E Strategic Plan (the tangibles). There are several core questions, therefore this group is broken down into further groups focused on:

  • Stakeholders
  • Number of metrics we need
  • What are those metrics?
  • How are they reported?
  • Logistics of supporting the data


The Council for Equity and Community (CEC) is an independent and co-creative advisory board to the Vice President for Equity and Community (VPEC). The CEC is composed of Lehigh staff, faculty, and students committed to supporting the diversity, equity, inclusion, and anti-racist goals of the institution, and to upholding “The Principles of Our Equitable Community.” The mission of the CEC is to provide advice and support to the VPEC including, but not limited to, guiding the implementation of Lehigh University’s 2020-2025 Strategic Plan and Anti-Racist Plan.

The CEC represents a broad institution-wide network that coordinates across and among unit-specific groups, individually and collectively moves toward action, and through transparent communication and positive accountability, ensures that we and the University community work toward the goals articulated in the Strategic Plan across individual, interpersonal, institutional, and cultural levels.

We also encourage individual growth and constructive dialogue between and among members and the campus community so as to model a community of practice in our daily campus lives.

As an independent council, the CEC serves as the conduit between the Office of Diversity, Inclusion and Equity (ODI&E) and various unit-specific diversity, equity, and inclusion (DI&E) groups. The CEC is charged with the responsibility to:

1. Align

  • Inventory and stay current on diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives and projects occurring among unit-specific groups, ODI&E, and other relevant entities.
  • Coordinate, harmonize, and ensure transparency and (positive) accountability between unit-specific DI&E groups and the Vice President for Equity and Community.

2. Strategize

  • Offer strategic and systemic advice on matters of diversity, inclusion, and equity to the Vice President for Equity and Community and unit-specific DI&E groups.
  • Make recommendations to administration, faculty, staff, students, and the Board of Trustees on DI&E matters.

3. Celebrate

  • Celebrate successes and accomplishments in diversity, equity, and inclusion throughout campus and share them with the campus community and beyond.
  • Participate in cross-cultural, awareness-building, and educational activities on and off campus.
  • Offer support for projects related to diversity, equity, and inclusion across campus.

4. Consult

  • Listen to the voices of all members of the campus community, and ensure that their concerns and feedback are heard.
  • Consult with the Vice President for Equity and Community and unit-specific groups on DI&E initiatives with an intentional eye toward alignment, collaboration, and (positive) accountability.
  • Collect and provide feedback on the impact and progress of DI&E projects, interventions, assessments, policies, and procedures in order to strengthen such interventions.

Section 1: Composition

The CEC is a university-wide body composed of current students, faculty, staff, and senior leaders that strives for inclusive representation from the entire Lehigh University community. The CEC shall have at least 20 and no more than 35 members. The CEC membership structure is specifically designed to ensure that all major unit-specific groups focused on diversity, inclusion, and equity are represented.

1.1. Faculty Membership

Faculty membership to the CEC shall be consistent with section in the Rules & Procedures of the Faculty. At least one faculty member shall represent each of Lehigh’s colleges, and those members shall also be members of their college’s DI&E-focused group. Faculty terms are recommended to be at least two years and should be overlapping and staggered.

The Faculty Senate shall appoint one member from its Inclusive Community Subcommittee, and may nominate a second member who represents the interests of non-tenure track faculty / pre-tenured assistant professors / professors of practice, in order to give a deliberate voice to those groups.

1.2 Staff Membership

Staff membership will consist of individuals from each core stem or unit’s DI&E-focused group, who are elected/selected and appointed to serve on the CEC by those groups. Staff terms are recommended to be at least 2 years and should be overlapping and staggered.

Membership should represent the following stems or groups. This list is subject to change as the CEC and VPEC determine that it requires updating:

  • Admissions
  • Athletics
  • Communications & Public Affairs
  • Development & Alumni Relations
  • ERAC (Exempt + Non-Exempt representative)
  • Finance and Administration
  • Lehigh University Police Department
  • General Counsel
  • International Affairs
  • Institutional Research and Strategic Analytics
  • Library & Technology Services
  • Office of the Provost
  • Research
  • Graduate Education and Life
  • Student Affairs

The representatives for these offices will be determined by their respective stem/DI&E groups prior to July 1 of a given year. In addition to these positions, University staff members interested and willing to support diversity and inclusion efforts on campus, and/or who contribute specific expertise, shall from time to time be invited to serve on CEC working groups. These staff members may be drawn from a variety of offices, including the affiliate offices of the Office of Diversity, Inclusion, & Equity, such as the Office of Multicultural Affairs, the Pride Center, and the Chaplain’s Office.

1.3 Administrative Support Person (1)

The administrative support person for the CEC shall be a standing member of the CEC and shall be appointed by the Vice President for Equity and Community, in consultation with the CEC executive committee.

1.4 Senior Administrator (1)

There will be one senior administrator on the CEC who, along with the Vice President for Equity and Community, will serve as liaison to the senior leadership of the university. The appointed senior administrator will serve a 2-year term and shall serve as a tri-chair of the CEC as noted in Article IV, Section 1. Prior to the expiration of the term, the senior leader will recommend his or her successor.

1.5 Ex-Officio Members (4)

The individuals in the following positions will serve as non-voting ex-officio members of the CEC. The members may attend CEC meetings whenever possible:

  • Vice President for Equity and Community
  • Deputy Vice President for Equity and Community and Associate Provost for Academic Diversity
  • Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs
  • Vice President for Finance and Administration

Section 2. Student Membership

The CEC will have 4 undergraduate and 3 graduate student representatives. Students will be asked to serve 1- to 3-year terms that are staggered and overlapping.

2.1 Undergraduate Students

Four undergraduate students shall serve as members of the CEC. Two undergraduate student members shall be appointed by the Diversity & Inclusion Committee of the Student Senate. Two undergraduate student members of the CEC shall be appointed by the Council of Student Presidents. Student members shall be determined before the end of each academic year to begin membership in the fall of the following academic year.

2.2 Graduate Students

Three graduate students shall serve as members on the CEC. They shall be appointed by the Graduate Student Senate. At least one of the graduate student members shall be an international student. In addition to these three members, there will be a Graduate Assistant who is a member of the CEC.

Section 3. General Member Responsibilities and Expectations

Members are expected to embody the values of diversity, inclusion, and equity as representatives of the CEC by engaging with the CEC in the following ways:

  • Demonstrate and value the Principles of our Equitable Community and the goals of the 2020-2025 Strategic Plan and Anti-Racism Plan in action and dialogue;
  • Remain invested in opportunities for personal and ethical growth and development;
  • Attend CEC meetings, participate in processes which result in advice-making to the VPEC and unit-specific DI&E groups, and support related programs and initiatives;
  • Serve on at least one CEC working group;
  • Connect and communicate as a liaison between unit-specific groups and the CEC, sharing all relevant needs, concerns, activities, ideas, and successes;
  • Promote diversity, inclusion, and equity efforts by individual attendance as well as individual dissemination (through member’s liaising channels) of upcoming relevant campus-wide activities (programs, speakers, education).

The Executive Committee of the CEC will, from time to time, invite non-members of the CEC to CEC working groups where there may be benefits from their experience or expertise.

Section 1. Tri-chair leaders

The CEC shall be chaired by three individuals to oversee the Council and its functions. The tri-chairs will consist of one senior administrator, one faculty member, and one staff member that serve staggered two-year terms. The faculty and staff tri-chairs are elected by the members of the CEC while the senior leader tri-chair is nominated by the previous office bearer. The tri-chairs consult with the VPEC, senior leaders, and CEC members to identify strategic priorities and lead emergent initiatives. They establish the agenda for meetings, conduct meetings, coordinate administrative functions of the CEC, and may attend Board of Trustee Diversity and Inclusion Committee meetings.

Section 2. Executive Committee members

The Executive Committee is established to ensure that the strategic direction of the CEC is sustained over the long term. It shall comprise the tri-chairs and a representative from each of the CEC working groups. Additionally, the Administrative Support Person and the Graduate Assistant will be members of the Executive Committee. 

The Executive Committee shall ensure the bylaws are followed and manage membership, the renewal and succession planning of members, form ad-hoc committees, and add or remove additional members as needed.

Section 3. Working groups

CEC members will organize into working groups to more efficiently and productively accomplish goals and objectives. The Executive Committee, through a consultative process with the VPEC, senior leaders, and the CEC membership, is responsible for organizing working groups based on current campus needs. Each working group should appoint a lead or chair. Chairs of the working groups, or their designated group representatives, will attend and participate in Executive Committee meetings. A list of all currently active working groups, their chairs, and their objectives shall be maintained by the CEC and published on the CEC webpage.

All members of the CEC (faculty, staff, and students) may vote on proposals brought before the Council. All members can put forth proposals for a vote. Proposals will pass with simple majority vote. The tri-chairs, as a group, will cast the deciding vote in case of a tie. Proposals to amend these bylaws must be announced to the CEC membership for a formal vote.

Contact Us

Get in touch with us by emailing CEC@lehigh.edu if you’re looking for more ways to engage with the CEC and our work to integrate and embed diversity, inclusion and equity in our Lehigh culture.

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