Stories about school psychology

Lehigh University's Iacocca Hall from above

Ethan Van Norman Receives APA’s Prestigious Lightner Witmer Award

The APA’s Division of School Psychology early career award recognizes Van Norman’s significant contributions to the field.

Image of student photos in old yearbook with wavy coral, green and blue lines across it

Ethan Van Norman Develops a More Rigorous Approach for Identifying Effective Interventions

A nearly $900K grant from IES supports Van Norman’s work to develop a quantitatively rigorous and user-friendly measure of the effectiveness of interventions for students with disabilities and learning difficulties.

Aerial view of Lehigh University's Mountaintop Campus

A More Rigorous Approach to Determining Intervention Effectiveness

A nearly $900K grant from IES supports Ethan Van Norman’s work to develop a quantitatively rigorous and user-friendly measure of the effectiveness of interventions for students with disabilities and learning difficulties.

Illustration of child reading in adult's lap

Little Talks: A Targeted Curriculum for Home Visiting Programs

Patricia Manz develops curriculum to improve home visiting services for children with significant developmental needs.

Addressing Autism