Transformative experiences for students—and the people who help make them possible—was the theme for the Tower Society Annual Meeting on Sept. 28 in Lehigh’s Wood Dining Room in Iacocca Hall. President John D. Simon ’19P led a panel discussion that addressed the challenges and opportunities of keeping Lehigh at the forefront amid a changing higher education landscape. Michael Caruso ’67, chairman of the Tower Society, welcomed more than 150 alumni and guests and highlighted advances the university is accomplishing through GO: The Campaign for Lehigh.
Caruso named visible infrastructure changes on campus—construction of the New Residential Houses, the newly opened Southside Commons Residence Hall, the renovation of Chandler-Ullmann and Building C at Mountaintop, and the work that has started on the new Health, Science & Technology building. He also included academic and programming initiatives such as the new College of Health, the Lehigh@Nasdaq Center on the West Coast, and technological progress in the way students learn and live.
“Lehigh remains committed to providing the most talented students with a superb education so they can lead lives of impact and consequence,” Caruso said. “All this change is for their sake. Keeping Lehigh at the forefront is what guides the leadership team you’re going to hear from.”
Caruso introduced Simon, who thanked members of the Tower Society for their unwavering support of Lehigh and their commitment to the institution.
“You’ve invested in Lehigh’s success, and many of you have told me stories about how Lehigh’s investment in you prepared you for the lives you are now living,” said Simon, who likened them to the university’s founder. “You are the Asa Packers of today. You are the Lehigh brand.”