Dear Students,
We hope this email finds you well. As announced by President Simon this week, we are preparing to welcome Lehigh students back to campus this fall and are looking forward to your arrival. Our residence halls are currently in the process of being cleaned, sanitized and prepared for your return, and we look forward to working with you on meeting your individual housing needs for the upcoming semester. Our goal is to make the Lehigh housing process during the pandemic safe and supportive for our residents.
Recognizing that many of you previously indicated your housing preferences, we ask your understanding as we now seek additional information as we move forward with opening campus. In light of the circumstances, we are asking all students to complete a survey informing us of your plans to return to Lehigh and live in on-campus residential housing. It is important that you complete this survey to help us inform our housing plan, and we thank you in advance for your cooperation. As part of the survey, we will be asking all students to indicate if you prefer a single due to personal concerns about COVID-19. This will not impact any students who have already been granted a single room accommodation by the Disability Support Services Office, although we will ask that those students still indicate a single room as a preference when completing the survey. No one will have the option of more than two residents to a bedroom.
The instructions provided here apply to the following residents:
(First Year Only)-Your survey has been incorporated into your housing contract. Please revisit the housing contract and provide an answer to the additional question that has been added: Are you planning to live on campus in the fall? Additionally, please revisit the question: Do you prefer a single room? If you prefer a single room due to concerns about COVID-19, be sure to select “Yes.”
(Fraternity and Sororities only)-In some of our Fraternity and Sorority chapter houses, housing assignments will have to be modified, as triples and overage housing will not be permitted. We will be working with each impacted house in the near future, once the new configurations are developed.
In order for us to build a housing configuration plan, we are requiring you to complete the following housing survey by 4 p.m. Tuesday, June 16, 2020. It is imperative that all students who plan to live on campus respond to this survey so that we are able to create an accurate student housing plan.
We appreciate your patience and understanding while we gather this information. Once we compile our survey results, we anticipate being able to provide a detailed housing plan no later than June 26, 2020. This plan will outline the processes for moving forward in the safest and most efficient way. Thank you.
Housing Services