Stories about strategic plan

Developing Lehigh's new strategic plan

Developing Lehigh’s New Strategic Plan

Community input guided the direction of the plan, which was designed to be flexible.

Inspiring the Future Makers

Watch: Inspiring the Future Makers

See how Inspiring the Future Makers will guide Lehigh for the next decade.

Inspiring the Future Makers

Lehigh University Launches Strategic Plan, ‘Inspiring the Future Makers’

The plan will guide Lehigh’s goals and priorities over the next decade.

President Helble

President Video Message: Semester Highlights and Congratulations to Our Graduates

A message sent to members of the Lehigh community.

President Helble

President Video Message: Making the Future for Lehigh, Together

A message sent to members of the Lehigh community.


Lehigh Releases Draft Framework of its New Strategic Plan

The university aims to “make it new,” “make a difference” and “make it together.”

1.27.23: Our Future, Our Lehigh Strategic Planning Update

Working group deliverables due date January 31

President Helble

President Video Message: Welcome to the Spring Semester

A message sent to members of the Lehigh community.

1.20.23: Our Future, Our Lehigh Strategic Planning Update

Register for two upcoming strategic planning events

1.13.23: Our Future, Our Lehigh Strategic Planning Update

Advisory Council and Working Group Leadership meet to discuss proposed initiatives