Stories about history

Miles Rock graduating class

Rediscovering Miles Rock

A gift to Lehigh Libraries Special Collections creates a snapshot of one of Lehigh’s first graduates—a naturalist, civil engineer and astronomer—and offers new research opportunities.

Illustration with photos of various immigrants to the U.S. in the 1940s with words printed in background

Tracing the Roots of U.S. Deportation Practices

Historian Emily Pope-Obeda explores U.S. deportation practices and their impacts, focusing on the 1920s when deportation “came of age.”

Illustrated map of Crete with flames drawn atop it

Uğur Z. Peçe Uncovers a Forgotten Part of the History of Crete

Peçe has spent his career exploring the perilous conditions faced by minority populations in Turkey. In a new book, he sheds light on a sectarian conflict that remains lost to history.