Stories about Fathima Wakeel

distressed woman

Coping Under COVID: Dealing With Stress During Traumatic Events

A new study explores how individuals coped with stressful life events experienced during the COVID-19 pandemic and which strategies were associated with better quality of life.

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U.S. COVID Study: Asians, Lower-income Households Reported Less Confidence in Access to Services

A number of Lehigh faculty have joined in publishing a study in Healthcare that provides “nuanced insights into individuals’ access to health services during the pandemic.”

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International Women’s Day: Fathima Wakeel Presents at Women in Data Science GM Multiregional Conference

Wakeel discusses how to frame population health disparities during the pandemic using maternal and child health epidemiological approaches.

Fathima Wakeel

Fathima Wakeel Appointed New Director of Graduate Programs in the College of Health

Wakeel assumed her new role Sept. 1.

Photo of woman staring at camera, holding infant

Coping with Stress during Pregnancy: Fathima Wakeel Studies the Factors that Impact Maternal Health

Wakeel seeks to identify the internal and social protective factors that help women cope with stress during pregnancy.