Stories about Creative Inquiry

A Creative Inquiry team of students is bringing Amazon’s Alexa to Lehigh, where the voice-activated assistant can help students navigate campus.

The student-led Permaculture Revolution is actively cultivating sustainable change throughout the Lehigh Valley.

Lehigh students and educators pioneer virtual reality games, offering unprecedented access to local history and environmental systems.

Project utilizes 360-degree technology to inspire Centennial School students through the power of arts.

More than 270 students showcase their achievements, inspiring future Lehigh students and celebrating interdisciplinary success.

New facility helps students bring their ideas to life.

Neuroscientist Julie Miwa leads a Mountaintop Summer Experience project that allows students to create artworks that reflect neuroscientific principles.

As part of Creative Inquiry’s mission to effect positive change, students and faculty work together on myriad issues, including air pollution, waste and ethical research.

A total of 180 students and 25 faculty members spent approximately 10 weeks at Mountaintop’s Building C working on 36 different projects.

More faculty are supplementing their lesson plans with “extended reality,” or XR learning, which includes virtual and augmented reality.