An update on the search for a new president

Kevin Clayton ‘84, P’13 and Jane Jamieson ’75, members of the university’s Board of Trustees and co-chairs of the Presidential Search Committee, sent the following email this morning to members of the campus community:
We are writing to update you on the progress of our presidential search.
As the search began, we focused our efforts on understanding the challenges and opportunities that Lehigh faces and defining the attributes we are seeking in our next President.
As part of that process, we held five Town Hall meetings on campus in late March. These meetings were attended by faculty, staff, alumni and students, along with many members of the Presidential Search Committee. The meetings provided valuable input and helped to guide our thinking as we created the position profile, which is now posted on the presidential search website.
Based on that work, Isaacson, Miller, our retained search firm, created and advertised the position opening in The Chronicle of Higher Education, Hispanic Outlook, Diverse Issues and Inside Higher Ed.
Since that time, we have received dozens of nominations from the Lehigh community and beyond. In addition, working with Isaacson, Miller, the Presidential Search Committee continues to conduct extensive global outreach efforts to identify candidates. We are extremely pleased by the high level of interest in our search and the quality of the candidates. The committee is in the process of assembling a pool of outstanding candidates for interviews in the near term.

Given the timing of our search, it will be necessary to appoint an interim president. Brad Scheler ’74, P’05, P’08, PG’09, chair of the Board of Trustees, has been leading this effort and will communicate with the Lehigh community as soon as the selection is finalized.
We want to thank you for the many emails, letters, conversations and nominations to date.
Your interest and support in this most important task is sincerely appreciated. We look forward to providing our next update as the search further unfolds.
Kevin Clayton ‘84, P’13 and Jane Jamieson ’75