Selected Media Coverage: April 8, 2005

**Lehigh in the News** {online press clippings from other news sources}
ABC News
USA Today (Circulation: 2,309,853)
Christian Science Monitor (Circulation: 75,639)
Iraqi Government Starts to Take Shape

Henri Barkey, chair of the international relations department at Lehigh, was quoted in an article about Iraq’s agreement on the top government posts, including a Sunni parliamentary speaker, Shiite and Sunni vice presidents, and a Kurdish president. One area of concern is the impact the long weeks of behind-doors negotiations for a leadership has had on the public. It's taken some of the enthusiasm out, says Barkey, a former State Department Iraq analyst. A government that got out of the blocks quickly and was seen addressing the insurgency and the country's glaring lack of services could have built on the optimism people were feeling for Iraq's new democracy after the Jan. 30 elections, he says. As it is now, they've expended some of their honeymoon capital.”
for ABC News, click here
for Christian Science Monitor, click here
for USA Today, click here
Business Week (Circulation: 977,128)
“Dynamism as the Norm”

Steven Goldman, professor of philosophy at Lehigh, was interviewed on the 1995 book he co-authored, “Agile Competitors and Virtual Organizations.” Goldman has been writing about the changing shape of corporations for decades. Since the early 1990s, management gurus have predicted that corporations will go through a tumultuous transformation -- outsourcing all sorts of functions so they can focus on the things they do best.
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Washington Times (Circulation: 101,001)
Science Daily
Big News Network
New Alloy May Help in Rad Waste Disposal

A new alloy developed and patented by researchers at Lehigh University, Sandia National Laboratory and Idaho National Laboratory could help the U.S. dispose more safely of 50,000 tons of spent nuclear energy fuel that are now stored at 125 sites in 39 states.
for Washington Times, click here
for Science Daily, click here
for Big News Network, click here
E-Health Insider (UK)
Online Support Helps Patients with Rare Illness

Researchers from the department of sociology and anthropology at Lehigh monitored messages and users in an e-mail listserv for sufferers of primary biliary cirrhosis, a liver disease affecting around five in every 100,000 people. The internet provides a highly valued outlet for people who have a rare disease, primary biliary cirrhosis, say the researchers. It appears to be particularly valuable for those who are newly diagnosed and in need of health information, but it is an important resource for people at all stages of the disease. The peer-to-peer support coupled with readily available medical information made the forum valuable for its users, said the study.
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Khalsa News Network (India)
Poker Academy Donates $13,000 of Texas Hold’em Software to Lehigh University for Continued Research and Development of Artificial Intelligence

Poker Academy, a leading software developer of poker products, has donated $13,000 in software to Lehigh University for students in computer science and engineering to use in artificial intelligence (AI) research projects. “Only a few games currently employ adaptive artificial intelligence, which is also called machine learning,” said Munoz-Avila, assistant professor of computer science and engineering who has a grant from the Naval Research Laboratory to study game programming. “Most are ‘hard-coded’ to operate at a fixed level or levels.
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The Morning Call (Circulation: 130,360)
Academic Freedom, Intellectual Discipline and Stupidity

Eli Schwartz, professor emeritus of economics and finance at Lehigh, wrote an op-ed about the travails of Dr. Lawrence Summers, the president of Harvard University.
click here

**Alumni in the News
USA Today (Circulation: 2,309,853)
Wanted: CEO, no Ivy Required

Lehigh University was mentioned in an article regarding how the CEO trend away from Ivies is intensifying. Corning’s soon-to-be-CEO Wendell Weeks, received his undergraduate degree from Lehigh in 1981.
click here
Paul A. Camuti, who earned a B.S. from Lehigh, has been made president and CEO of Siemens Corporate Research. Camuti will be responsible for overseeing the company's U.S. research division, which is developing new innovations in medical imaging, intelligent decision support, security and safety, maintenance and service, industrial automation, multimedia networks, e-business, user-centered software and other areas of primary focus to Siemens' businesses.
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