Selected Media Coverage: April 2, 2004

**Lehigh in the News** {online press clippings from other news sources}
The Philadelphia Inquirer (Circulation: 386,890)
Alcohol and College Sports: Schools Can’t Find Right Mix

Ian Birky, director of counseling and psychological services at Lehigh, was quoted in an article about alcohol, its abuse by college athletes and the profit it generates on many college’s athletic fields. Many schools realize that they can’t eliminate drinking rituals overnight and choose to use preventative counseling in which athletes are urged to drink responsibly. I say, 'Just because I talk about these things doesn't mean I condone you going out and drinking.' But I also realize that we're not stupid here, said Ian Birky, the director of counseling and psychological services at Lehigh University.
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Omaha World-Herald (Circulation: 200,238)
The Mean Pranks of Reality TV: Who’s Fooling Whom?

Robert E. Rosenwein, social psychology professor at Lehigh University, was quoted in an article about reality television shows. Americans enjoy these shows because our capitalist culture centers on competition and the humiliation that accompanies it, he said. Look at our love of sports. Quiz shows. Soap operas. We tune in to see someone win, someone lose. But when it's everywhere, we become habituated to it, Rosenwein said. What you're seeing now is kind of a pushing of the envelope, and it gets more mean-spirited, Rosenwein said.
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Christian Science Monitor (Circulation: 75,639)
As Iraq Handover Looms, Transition Questions Remain

Henri Barkey, professor of international relations at Lehigh University, was quoted in an article on the June 30 schedule date for the restoration of a limited form of sovereignty to Iraq. With the June 30 timeline, at what point does (U.S. administrator) Bremer lose his powers? It's not June 29, it's some point before that, and we're seeing that process begin, he said.
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The Express Times (Circulation: 50,522)
Parents, Expert Agree: Stay in Iraq

Henri Barkey, chairman of the department of international relations at Lehigh University, said if U.S. troops were to pull out now, it would be devastating to American credibility and likely lead to civil war in Iraq. Iraq was a pressure cooker that was being kept together by a totalitarian regime. What we did was decapitate that regime, and all the steam that had been building up is overflowing, Barkey explained. We broke it, now we have to fix it.
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**News of Interest
The Morning Call (Circulation: 130,360)
Instant Runoff Voting Allows a More Nuanced Choice

Ralph Nader was elected president on Wednesday night during a demonstration of instant runoff voting organized by the Lehigh Valley Greens and the Lehigh University Progressive Students Alliance. Instant runoff voting allows a more nuanced choice, said Charles Sherrouse of the Philadelphia Greens, who came to a classroom at Lehigh University to help explain instant runoff voting to the group, mostly young people who said they were there to learn, or wanted something other than a two-party monopoly.
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The Morning Call (Circulation: 130,360)
Best of the Best

Yan Zhang, a senior at Emmaus High School, has been named a recipient of the Best of the Best award. Zhang, a finalist in the National Merit Scholarship Program, takes all honors and Advanced Placement classes. He is also a member of the National Honor Society and enrolled in Lehigh University's Scholars Program.
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