Presidential search – message from Brad Eric Scheler, chair of the Board of Trustees

To Members of the Lehigh Community,
‎As a follow up to my note last month, ‎I am pleased to announce the formation of a Presidential Search Committee (the “Search Committee”) and the engagement of a Search Firm to work with the Search Committee and the Board of Trustees.
At the behest of the Board of Trustees, the Search Committee will solicit input from the Lehigh community with respect to your goals and aspirations for the University's next president and the opportunities and challenges for the future leadership of Lehigh. The Search Committee will identify and evaluate potential candidates to serve as our next president and will share with the Board of Trustees the Search Committee's recommendations. ‎The following individuals have agreed to serve as members of the Search Committee:
Mr. Kevin L. Clayton, ’84, P’13, Trustee, Co- Chair of the Search Committee;
Ms. Jane P. Jamieson, ’75, Trustee, Co-Chair of the Search Committee;
Frank A. Roth, Esq., ’80 P ’08 ‘11, General Counsel, Vice Chair of the Search Committee;
Dr. Lee Kern, College of Education, Faculty Member;
Dr. Mayuresh V. Kothare, PC Rossin College of Engineering, Faculty Member;
Mr. Mark V. Mactas, ’74, Trustee;
Ms. Angelica Matos ’12, Graduate Student;
Mr. Joseph R. Perella, ’64, Trustee;
Dr. James Peterson, College of Arts & Sciences, Faculty Member;
‎Mr. Daniel E. Smith, Jr., ’71, Trustee;
Ms. Alexandra J. Stephanou, ’15, Undergraduate Student;
Dr. Joseph D. Sterrett '76, P '03, '05, '07 '09, Murray H. Goodman Dean of Athletics;‎ and
Dr. Todd A. Watkins, College of Business and Economics, Faculty Member.
In addition, Ms. Ainsley Lamberton, G'07, Administrative Director of the Office of the Vice Provost for Research and Graduate Studies, has agreed to serve as senior staff and coordinator for the Search Committee.‎
Given the substantial commitment of time, effort and energy that service on the Search Committee ‎will require, I know all of you will join me in expressing our thanks and appreciation to all of the above.
In my role as Chair of the Board of Trustees, I will also serve as a member of the Search Committee (ex officio).
Following a comprehensive process that included the review of proposals, confirmation of credentials and interviews with a number of most experienced and universally well regarded global search firms, I am pleased that Mr. John Isaacson of Isaacson, Miller Inc., has agreed to work with the Search Committee and the Board. Mr. Isaacson and his colleagues, Ms. Vivian Brocard and Ms. Rebecca Swartz, will guide and assist the Search Committee’s efforts to identify and secure the interest of candidates with utmost talent, capability and experience.
At inception and central to all at hand is and will be engagement with the Lehigh community. In the immediate term, Ms. Jamieson and Mr. Clayton will be scheduling town hall meetings on campus for members of the Lehigh community to share with the Search Committee their thoughts, views, opinions and objectives. These opportunities will include soon to be scheduled town hall meetings for faculty, staff, and students to be hosted by the Search Committee or co-hosted by the Search Committee and groups such as the Council for Equity and Community, the Faculty Steering Committee, and the Employee Relations Advisory Committee. A primary and central goal of the Search Committee is to solicit and have the benefit of engagement with students, faculty, employees, alumni, administration and all in the Lehigh community. Our hope is that each and all of you will take the time and opportunity to communicate and interact with the Search Committee. To further facilitate the same, the Search Committee will establish and launch in the near term a presidential search website, which will provide a confidential path for community members to nominate candidates. In the days, weeks and months ahead as the Search Committee undertakes, proceeds and advances in its work and effort, Ms. Jamieson and Mr. Clayton will provide all with periodic and regular updates. ‎
Tireless effort, dedication and resolve are and will be the order of each day for the Search Committee. For the Search Committee and for the Board, our goals and objectives are clear and straightforward. Working with utmost focus and efficiency and within a time frame that is and will be determined by the best interests of the University, the Search Committee will seek to identify the most extraordinary of candidates. In our selection of Lehigh’s next president, the Board will do all to ensure that Lehigh will be a center for leadership and innovation in fashioning and shaping higher education in the 21st century by securing a future that will be consistent with, that will build on and that will capture and exceed the best of the glorious history of Lehigh University.
Brad Eric Scheler ’74, P’05, P’08, PG’09
Chair, Board of Trustees