New Web resource places faculty experts a click away

A new online, searchable database containing information about Lehigh faculty members and their areas of research expertise will enable researchers, funding agencies, and potential collaborators to locate Lehigh experts quickly and easily.

The new Lehigh Experts database, launched in April, has been developed by the Office of the Vice Provost for Research in partnership with the four colleges, their academic departments, and the university's research centers and institutes. The database is intended for use by Lehigh faculty, staff, and students seeking information about faculty expertise, and for Lehigh faculty and outside researchers looking for potential collaborators. It is also available for use by government and external funding agencies, by business and industrial entities, and by the media looking for research and development expertise. The database will be updated twice a year, drawing information from the university’s Banner system.

“This will be a tremendous resource tool for faculty members who are looking to collaborate with other researchers,” says David B. Williams, vice provost for research. “It will provide rich and deep information about a faculty member’s area of research, department and center affiliations, and areas of expertise.”

Lehigh faculty members should contact their departmental administrator if they have questions about the database, or need help in updating their own records.

For more information, visit the Lehigh Experts database.

Editor's note: The Lehigh Experts database is no longer available. For information on Lehigh Experts, contact Media Relations.