New community garden blooms on Goodman Campus

Lehigh is making strides toward becoming a more sustainable campus with the creation of a new Lehigh Community Garden. The garden, which will open this season, is located on the Goodman Campus near Transportation Services along Goodman Drive.

Lehigh students, faculty and staff are eligible for 10-foot by 15-foot garden plots, and may register for one as individuals, or as a group of friends, academic and university department or campus organization.

View the new Goodman Campus Lehigh Community Garden on Google Maps.

Community gardens, located across the country, help communities stimulate development and social interaction, produce nutritious foods, beautify neighborhoods and preserve green space. Many universities and colleges have similar community gardening programs, including Penn State University, Smith College and Lafayette College.

“The Lehigh administration has been really helpful in putting this project together,” says John Pettegrew, associate professor of history and co-director of the South Side Initiative. 

“The Lehigh Community Garden is in close keeping with the new Strategic Plan’s goal of partnering in the renaissance of the local community. Lehigh land, labor, and know-how will contribute to a new network of South Bethlehem community gardens—a cooperative enterprise growing and distributing fresh produce to the people in town who need it most.” 

Students, faculty and staff can sign-up for a garden plot now through Friday, May 14, when the garden design for 2010 will be finalized. A group work date for all gardeners will take place the morning of Saturday, May 15, with planting to follow shortly thereafter.

“I’m hoping that student groups and sororities and fraternities will see this as a great opportunity for community service,” Pettegrew says.

A 2010 garden plot will cost gardeners $30 as well as the promise to maintain and work the space throughout the growing season. In exchange, gardeners can use any produce raised on the plots for their personal use.

To sign up for a plot in the Lehigh Community Garden, please use the online registration form. For more information, contact John Pettegrew at or (610) 390-8970; or Laura Deutsch at