More Lehigh students to hang their hats on campus

As the Lehigh community continues to broaden its vision of improving student life, it has become clear that current practices need to be updated to help meet the changing needs of the student population. So beginning in the ’05-’06 academic year, a new residential housing approach has been adopted requiring all first- and second-year students to live on campus, with housing options being residence halls, fraternities and sororities, and special interest housing (ROTC/Umoja).
The decision comes from recommendations from a task force comprised of students, staff, faculty and alumni that worked last year to develop recommendations on how to strengthen student life at Lehigh.
In recent years, 80 percent of second-year students have chosen to live on campus along with 63 percent of juniors and 35 percent of seniors. And some first-year students felt they needed to look for off-campus housing for the following year within a month or so of arriving on campus. This new approach will alleviate that anxiety.
Students who wish to experience the independence of living off campus will be able to do so in their junior and senior years—at a time when they are better informed and prepared to make such important housing decisions.
Living on campus establishes a solid foundation for personal academic success, promotes involvement in campus life and helps students learn valuable life lessons and skills, fosters the development of friendships with peers, and provides easy access to campus resources.
If you have additional questions, please contact Ozzie Breiner, associate director of residential services, Tom Dubreuil, associate dean of students, or John Smeaton, vice provost for student affairs.