Lule discusses book

Lule, professor of journalism and former chair of the journalism and communications department, was invited to speak about his book, Daily News, Eternal Stories: The Mythological Role of Journalism.
His speech, titled News as Myth: Stories for Our Time, was delivered to an audience of 350 people from Boston College, Boston University, Harvard University, and the surrounding community. In his talk, Lule emphasized the story-telling dimension of news.
Often we think news is important for information, Lule says. But news is also the way we tell modern versions of mythic tales.
The speech was followed by a question and answer period, during which audience members discussed the connection between news, myth, and current reporting over the conflict with Iraq. Lule believes that the characterizations of key players in the political arena are reincarnations of generations-old legends, thereby providing the public with a familiar context.
We not only get information about the war. We get stories of heroes and villains and enemies, ancient stories told many times before, says Lule.
Daily News, Eternal Stories, which has been featured on National Public Radio’s All Things Considered, was the recipient of the 2002 Lewis Mumford Award for Outstanding Scholarships sponsored by the Media Ecology Association.
--Sarah Piperato