Bringing Lehigh home to you

Greg and Jean Farrington

It was great to see so many of you on Move-in Day this year. It was especially fun to meet the newest members of our Lehigh family, the Class of 2008. We congratulate all of you on the fine job you’ve done raising outstanding sons and daughters who already are making a lively contribution to the intellectual, academic and social life of our campus.
By now, your daughters and sons are learning important life lessons, like how to handle independence, how to juggle challenging coursework with the diverse cultural, artistic, athletic, and social activities that abound, and where to find the best pizza. They’re probably also checking the mail for care packages from home. Nothing says, “We’re thinking of you” like cookies.
This newsletter is designed to bring some of Lehigh home to you, and you don’t even have to keep students’ hours to enjoy it! Check out some of the great things happening on campus.
Also, please stay in touch. We promise you that Lehigh’s administration, faculty and staff will do their best to challenge, inspire, support and encourage your sons and daughters. They need you too.
We look forward to seeing you on campus soon. As a reminder, Family Weekend is October 29-31st.
Greg and Jean Farrington
Lehigh University President’s Office