Biz Quiz Answer

With a question from Prof. Kenneth P. Sinclair, we tested your business knowledge in our 2016 issue of Lehigh Business. 



1. Buy Gas Burners Outside

16,000 grills X 2 gas burners each = 32,000 gas burners

32,000 burners X $9.25 each = $296,000

2. Make Gas Burners Inside

Direct materials$200,000 
Direct labor100,000 
Variable overhead50,000 
 $350,000/40,000 burners = $8.75 per burner 
 X 32,000 burners$280,000
Inspection, setup, and material handling  
 $100 per batch X 32 batches this year =$3,200
 ($4,000 last year/40 batches last year= $100 per batch) 
 (40,000 burners last year/1,000 burners per batch = 40 batches last year) 
Machine rent $8,000
Total $291,200

3. Decrease in net income, if LEHIGH CORPORATION buys the gas burners outside: $4,800
($296,000 outside cost - $291,200 inside cost)


The random winner of this issue's Biz Quiz is Samantha Femia '15. Congratulations!