President Video Message: Strategic Plan Progress and Announcing Next Year's Compelling Perspectives Theme

A message sent to members of the Lehigh campus community.

Photography by

Christa Neu

Videography by

Christa Neu

President Helble highlights significant progress in implementing Inspiring the Future Makers, including studies on graduate housing and campus space, an interdisciplinary research center, and a new intercollege major. He announces the forthcoming Compelling Perspectives theme and encourages the campus community to participate in the Diversity and Equity Campus Climate Survey.

I look forward to sharing more information soon on our invited guests who will contribute their perspectives on this timely topic for the fall semester. Former United States Representative Liz Cheney will be delivering the Kenner lecture at the end of February, which is sure to be another thought-provoking event.

President Joseph J. Helble ’82

Photography by

Christa Neu

Videography by

Christa Neu

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