Integrated Degree in Engineering, Arts and Sciences Degree (IDEAS)

Integrated Degree in Engineering, Arts and Sciences Degree Overview

Lehigh’s undergraduate major in engineering, arts, and sciences provides students with a unique opportunity to combine the breadth and depth of two programs of study in a four-year college experience.

IDEAS, as the program is known, allows students to study diverse interests such as bioengineering and religion, computer science and graphic design, industrial engineering and international relations, bioengineering and molecular biology, and music and computer science. 

Integrated Degree in Engineering, Arts and Sciences Career Opportunities

Lehigh’s IDEAS alumni work in a variety of fields and industries, tailored to their specific interests and strengths.

Integrated Degree in Engineering, Arts and Sciences Degree Contact

Bill Best, program co-director: | (610) 758-3551

Daniel Ou-Yang, program co-director: | (610) 758-3920

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